Contact Coach Dana
A new virus is sweeping the country impacting business, customer service quality, and personal relationships too. The virus is called a lack of kindness. When people are too busy and too focused on themselves, they lack kindness and people get hurt.
Objective: Dana shares how your company or organization can retain employees, boost client satisfaction and build a stronger bottom line.
Kindness is more than a hearty “hello” and building a strong team takes more than a retreat with “Trust Falls.” We need to start looking at why employees and clients are leaving and effecting our bottom lines in a negative way.
Remember, each person on your team is an important part of the overall success of your organization. The front desk is as important as the CEO. Treating every member on the staff with respect and caring will go a long way to building a cohesive team. Showing trust and appreciation will build loyalty.
Kindness is mindset. It encompasses values like honesty, openness, acceptance, thoughtfulness.
We can build our businesses and maybe a better world, using the concept of kindness. Just think about it. We can do it.
At this critical time, this message is relevant to businesses, big and small. If you want to hold onto employees with experience and knowledge, retain and even build a stronger client base and put more money into your bottom line, this talk is for you.
Dana uses stories, humor and real life examples to make this educational and enjoyable.
Dana shares her experiences growing up in an unkind home while being exposed to kindness from people she met outside her home. Her message uses emotional personal examples blended with just the right amount of humor and audience interaction to keep the audience engaged throughout the 45-minute performance.
Dana recalls, “A woman was in my audience and, as an example of using kindness, I randomly picked her out of the crowd and said, ‘That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing. You look very thin and beautiful in that dress.’ After the speech, she approached me and said, No one has ever called her thin before.’ The keynote has an effect on people.”
Dana’s message inspires attendees to take the time every day to be kind to at least one person and build the habit of being kind to people and see how it might change them. Specific steps are provided so that attendees leave the event venue with a new approach to immediately offering kindness to others.
You might not see how it effects those people directly but you will see a difference how YOU feel by distributing kindness.
Over the past four years delivering this keynote, Dana’s passion for the topic has only grown higher. The need for her message has broadened as well. The Power of Kindness is a perfect fit for women’s faith-based groups. In addition, business conferences and association meeting audiences will benefit from Dana’s kindness topic as a positive addition to their educational agenda.
“First, I just wanted to really tell you, from my heart and soul, how much I appreciate your contributions at this conference. You being frank and open about your process was truly uplifting. Also, your achievements help me realize I, too, can do it.”
DNaff, Fairbanks
“You touched me and gave me so much to think about. Thank you.”
GBoyce, Fairbanks
“Thanks for your fabulous Keynote today! I felt so empowered by your words. I learned tons about myself as you spoke. I needed to hear your message.”
LDebenham, Seattle
“Wow! You took us on an emotional rollercoaster: laughter, sorrow, overcoming. I was touched by your honesty and giving spirit. Your words helped me realize that I too can move past my challenges and be a winner too. Thank you so much!”
BHall, Fairbanks
“Thank you for sharing your journey. You have given me a new perspective and a new direction for my life. Knowing that I have the power to change my life is so exciting!”
TWilliams, Fort Collins
“You are so relatable. I felt like I was inside your story and could see and feel your journey. I learned something new about myself today, thanks to your honesty. I had relinquished my power to others all my life and I am taking it back as of today. Thank you for that gift.”
BDolan, Denver
“You took us on your journey of discovery and I am ready to begin my journey! Hearing your story of strength and passion gives me the desire to be more and give more. Thanks for sharing and being so transparent.”
DBrown, Denver
Dana and her husband, John, are experienced world travelers and adapt easily to diverse cultures throughout the U.S. and other countries. Speaking opportunities are typically booked months in advance but Dana has been known to accept last-minute speaking gigs to replace speakers who have cancelled due to emergencies.
Dana can be reached by phone: (307) 220-1109 or
email: Dana@CoachDanaInspires.com
Coach Dana’s One Sheet (Click image for full size view and printing)
Dana is well-versed in live video conferencing, live video and video presentation using Zoom and Skype. She is available to appear for your virtual summit or can connect into your in-person event anywhere in the world as a guest speaker or panelist.
Whether you are looking for the next career move, a better work/life balance or a healthier life, coaching will help you reach those goals.
All Rights Reserved | Coach Dana Inspires